After a couple of weeks of boring and tedious work with wiring and stuff, I could finally run the first train on the newly built Grimstad station module. And everything seems to work like it should - strangely enough...

Controlled chaos. I've never done the wiring on a module all by myself, and I was surprised to experience how much work it really is.

Every single length of tracks has it's own set of wires to ensure maximum reliability. Rail joiners have a tendency to stop working after a couple of years, but now this shouldn't be a problem.

Yours truly driving the first test-train :)

I still have to install the turntable and the track leading to it. That will be tonight's task.
Hey, GREAT evening!!! Congrats, I'm a bit jealous since my first test run is still far in the future :)
Hey, thanks! I still haven't tried it in conjunction with the rest of the layout, but that shouldn't pose any problems. It's now just two days until Grimstad gets it's debut at our FREMO meet here in Arendal! :)
Hi!, I'm just curious what have you done with the old version of you little Grimstad station? Did you sell it or... :) ?
I have used all the Tortoise switch machines, the turntable and all the trees. The rest will be thrown away :)
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