The Fremo-modules that make up Grimstad station was built 8 years ago, and they have traveled a lot around to different Fremo-meets over these years. The last couple of years it has started to show signs of age and wear, and with old code 100 tracks and new scenery skills at hand, I've dreamt of starting all over again. Today, with good help from Halvor Sannæs, I have actually started the big process of making a brand new Grimstad station that I can take with me to Fremo-meets as well as using it as a part of my layout at home. The first Fremo-meet is in just 6 weeks, so I'd better hurry!
This is like a clean sheat of paper. First a lot of cutting.

Then the fun begins; the first section is taking shape.

And here it is : the first complete section of the new Grimstad!!!

Two sections down, one to go.

And here it is. After 4 hours of work we got the three sections done. The new Grimstad is roughly 40 cm longer than the old one, and will have Code75 track instead of code 100 and larger turonouts. Can't wait to start laying track!
WOW! 6 weeks in order to completely rebuild Grimstad? That's a real challenge :)
Can't wait to see the progress. Also, I like your blogspot "migration". It makes blog updates very easy and fast!
Wohooo! My first comment in blogspot :) Yup, in six weeks it should be ready for action. I will reuse my old control panel, so it's just a matter of laying tracks and wiring it all up. The scenery will come later.
Hei Tore!
You chose a hard to get target!
But i'm sure we can run the trains
just in time in Arendal. So, no longer disturb on your work.
We see us
I work best under pressure :) Looking forward to seeing you soon!
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