21 June 2007

More trackbed!

With good help from my friend Halvor, we got a lot of work done tonight. The trackbed is now complete all the way to Rykene and even a good bit further! The last picture shows a Skd220c with 8 cars on the grade up to Rykene.

12 June 2007

And now for some track!

I got very inspired by the progress we made last Thursday, so during the weekend I've been able to lay a lot of track. The track is now complete half-way up to Rykene.

07 June 2007

One step back and two steps forward

After the whole styrofoam deal I kind of lost the momentum on my layout work. The noise from the trains on the styrofoam annoyed me too much, so I tore down the whole thing again - tracks and all. Now a new wooden trackbed is in place and we have reached Rykene in one night! This looks promising :)