...and the privately owned railway company GFB (Grimstad Frolands Banen) is operating a small strech of track from the norwegian coastal town of Grimstad up to Rise, some 20 kilometers into the country. There it meets the NSB (Norwegian state railways) line from Arendal. NSB still runs passenger trains on the Grimstad Line, but all the freight is now handeled by the GFB. In real life, the Grimstad Line was closed down in 1961, but in my imagination, and in my layout room, it survived and we're now in 1965.
Please join me in my quest to replicate this sleepy little railroad. Any comments on my work are most welcome!
With good help from my friend Halvor, we got a lot of work done tonight. The trackbed is now complete all the way to Rykene and even a good bit further! The last picture shows a Skd220c with 8 cars on the grade up to Rykene.
I got very inspired by the progress we made last Thursday, so during the weekend I've been able to lay a lot of track. The track is now complete half-way up to Rykene.
After the whole styrofoam deal I kind of lost the momentum on my layout work. The noise from the trains on the styrofoam annoyed me too much, so I tore down the whole thing again - tracks and all. Now a new wooden trackbed is in place and we have reached Rykene in one night! This looks promising :)