19 December 2007

Wiring work

I've started wiring the track. I don't rely on the rail joiners to do the job so every length of track get their own two wires. The black and red wires are common power that goes the length of the benchwork.
I have also started mounting Tortoise switch machines on Rykene. The switches are all modified to be DCC secure by the help of the Auto-bulb.

Team track

Rykene industrial area will have several different on-line industries, but we also need a team track for all the customers with no rail-access.

06 December 2007

The first industry spur

I have now made a spur to a factory that produces canned goods called "Grimstad Konserves". The spur is located on the left side of the peninsula and is situated between Grimstad and Rykene. This industry will be served by a shunting loco which will be stationed at Rykene.

10 September 2007

Cork roadbed

I've started putting down some cork roadbed on the end of the peninsula and on Rykene industrial area. The cork is 5mm thick and very easy to work with.<This picture is from the left side of the peninsula. The incline here is close to 2,5 % and the sharpest curve on the layout is the one seen to the right in the picture. It's a 55cm radiuscurve, but it works fine and looks ok with most of the rolling stock I plan to use on the line.

21 June 2007

More trackbed!

With good help from my friend Halvor, we got a lot of work done tonight. The trackbed is now complete all the way to Rykene and even a good bit further! The last picture shows a Skd220c with 8 cars on the grade up to Rykene.

12 June 2007

And now for some track!

I got very inspired by the progress we made last Thursday, so during the weekend I've been able to lay a lot of track. The track is now complete half-way up to Rykene.

07 June 2007

One step back and two steps forward

After the whole styrofoam deal I kind of lost the momentum on my layout work. The noise from the trains on the styrofoam annoyed me too much, so I tore down the whole thing again - tracks and all. Now a new wooden trackbed is in place and we have reached Rykene in one night! This looks promising :)

21 February 2007

The first train!

The first train has left Grimstad station, and is seen here on route to Rykene.

It seems like the Styrofoam generates a lot of noise when a train is rolling over it, so I'll have to figure out a way to overcome this as it is pretty annoying...

29 January 2007

Almost ready for some track!

I have covered the newly built benchwork with some Styrofoam. This creates a really sturdy and nice base for both the trackbed and the future landscape. For the trackbed I have used regular 10mm. styrofoam and cut the sides at an 45 degree angle. This method of construction is much more fun I think than the traditional wood trackbed with wooden risers. And it's much faster as well.

I have connected the Grimstad modules to the rest of the layout now. The curve right outside of Grimstad is in the corner is the tighest on the whole layout at 55 cm. radius. Now I'm ready to lay down some Peco code 75 track. Stay tuned for more pictures soon!

28 January 2007

More carpentry II

The peninsula is complete and with the help of some friends the portion that will connect this to the existing Grimstad modules is good on it's way.

05 January 2007

More carpentry

The construction of the peninsula continues. Things are starting to look good. This is fun!