We actually ran two sessions in one night, with each session representing a day at the Grimstad Line. During one day we ran three passenger trains, one freight train and a couple of "locals" between Rykene and Lia. Each session lasted about 90 minutes and we had a lot of fun!
Here are some quick shots I took during the sessions. Nothing too fancy or exciting new stuff to show, but here goes:
Passenger train Pt2580 consisting of BM87 motorcar and type Gx baggage car on it's way to Rise between Grimstad and Lia.
Your's truly as the Rise stationmaster. The loco on track 3 is GFB no.8
A short break between sessions. Coffee, icecream and blueberries :)
Halvor and Styrkar trying to figure out what goes where at Rykene.
GFB borrowed this Skd214 for the occation as I needed a switcher for Grimstad.
Styrkar sorting car cards at Grimstad. I need to do something about that hideous background wallpaper...